
Exhibition "Cartoonist in the War 1941 - 1945" in the Central Military Club

Exhibition "Cartoonist in the War 1941 - 1945" in the Central Military Club

"Cartoonist in the war 1941 - 1945" is the title of an exhibition of works by Vasilije Popovic Cico which is to be organized in the Small Gallery of the Central Military Club on 3rd December at 18:00. On this occasion, a monograph on the famous Macedonian painter, cartoonist, and set designer, will be presented to the public.

Setting made by Ljubica Dabic and Natasa Tomic, the Military Museum curators, includes thirty cartoons, five of which are original works, as well as notebooks with original drawings, photographs, booklets and letters of the artist.

Irina Subotic, art historian, the book reviewer, Jelena Luzina, professor at Skopje University, Ljiljana Cinkul, director of the Graphic Collective Gallery, Ljubica Dabic, senior curator of the Military Museum and Gordana Popovic Vasic, editor of the monograph will speak about the work of Vasilije Popovic Cico.

That same evening, at the "Graphic Collective" another exhibition of cartoons by Vasilije Popovic Cica, "A Belgrade student", representing figures from political and public life, will be opened at 19:30.

Vasilije Popovic Cico was born in Skadar on 12th February 1914. He started to work on caricature in 1933, when he begins to be interested in the theater, especially for scenery. He finished Art School in Belgrade and as early as in 1939 he began working as a designer at the National Theatre, "King Alexander I" in Skopje, where he was engaged until 1941. He spent the period from April to November 1941 as a prisoner of war in German camps in Lübeck, Hoenfels and Nuremberg, and during 1944 he was interned in a labour camp in Gorna Dzumaja (Bulgaria). After release from the camp he joined Partisans and worked in AGITPROP at the Headquarters of the NLA in Macedonia. After liberation he became a set designer in the Macedonian National Theatre and held this position until the death in 1962.

In order to bring some serenity in the gloomy days in camp, Vasilije Popovic Cico made a series of cartoons. Trying to get closer to each character in an appropriate manner, he drew 77 cartoons, which are found in three volumes, carefully preserved by the artist's daughter, Gordana Popovic Vasic.

The exhibition will be open until 17 December 2012.