
Promotion of the books 32 and 33 from the edition "The Great War of Serbia for the liberation and unification 1914-1918"

In the Ceremonial Hall of the Central Military Club today, new publications of Odbrana Media Centre – Book 32 and Book 33 from the edition "The Great War of Serbia for the liberation and unification of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes 1914-1918", was published in Belgrade in the Printing Workshop of the Ministry of Army and Navy, by the Main General Staff. New books were prepared by academician Vlado Strugar and archival advisor Milic Petrovic.
The audience was addressed by the Director of Odbrana Media Centre Colonel S. Stevica Karapandzin who pointed out that in the past year and a half the publishing activities of that house are mostly devoted to the celebration of the centenary of the outbreak of the Great War. As for the publication of the books 32 and 33 from the Edition he says that "we have a reason for a holiday atmosphere, here, under the vaults of the Warrior’s house, because we really did a great job".
- I am glad that I belong to the generation that found the courage to be a part of a honourable continuity. I believe that by this we are opening a new page of history intended for the next century and the generations that will also be a part of the honourable continuity, Colonel Karapandzin said.
Editor of the publication Dragana Markovic said that "in between the covers there is uncombed history, what it really was".
- I recommend the books to a wider audience, and I hope that you will read them as we read them working on them and that the power of authentic materials will overwhelm you, the editor of the publication said.
Historian Mile Bjelajac, PhD, presented at the promotion the historical context of the period in the books and introduced to the importance of the material for forming the historical conclusions. The organizer of the edition Milic Petrovic spoke about the work on the book, dilemmas and curiosities of archival materials.
The promotion of the book has been completed by performance of Ljubomir Ljuba Manasijevic vocal soloists and Zoran Tutunovic on the accordion, performing the compositions "Pukni zoro" (Let the dawn breaks) and "Ovo je Srbija" (This is Serbia).
According to the organizer, the centenary of the First World War is the famous historic moment and a good occasion for the publication of two final books in the edition, as Serbia demonstrated by its heroism, perseverance and military role that it deserves the place among the winners in the First World War.
Edition "The Great War of Serbia for the liberation and unification ..." is devoted to the period from 1924 to 1937 and contains historical material generated in war units of the Serbian Army during the First World War. The documents published in the edition follow the work of the Serbian, i.e. the Yugoslav Supreme Command during the Second World War, until 5 May 1920. The book 33 has not been published yet.