Presentation of the book "Why Knin fell – farewell to the people"
The promotion was opened by Momcilo Mitrovic, Editor-in-Chief of the “Parthenon” publishing house. On this occasion he said that it was the third book by Slobodan Vukosavljevic that "Parthenon" published. It presents the author's view of the situation in Knin.
Retired General Milosav Djordjevic, besides his review of the book, informed the audience in more details about the biography and work of the author.
Retired Colonel Kosta Novakovic, MSc, Savo Strbac, President of 'Veritas' and retired Colonel Marko Vrcelj spoke about the original expression, social, historical and cultural value of the book and the theme it addresses.
Finally, the author pointed out that the aim of the book was to present to the public the Serbian people of Northern Dalmatia in refugee convoy on the road to Belgrade in 1995, after the operation "Storm", as well as their fight for freedom and survival.
Actors Djordje Galic and Katarina Barjaktarevic read excerpts from the book at the promotion, and Dragi Radjelovic, a member of the Stanislav Binički Art Ensemble of the Ministry of Defence was responsible for musical accompaniment.